Erika and the brand new white trainers

Erika and the brand new white trainers

“Ryan!” Erika held her glass up in the air, indicating that a new drink should arrive. When it didn’t come she slurred a new bellow. “Ryan!”

“Jeez, I’m here alright.”

Erika felt the weight in her glass increase as she kept her forehead planted on the bar surface. It was for the best, the surface was so sticky from spilled shots that she would probably tear her skin off if she tried to separate herself from it. There was no other option but to drink herself into oblivion.


“Thanks, add it to my tab”

“Of course.”

Erika brought the drink down to her mouth, her eyes crossed slightly as she tried to focus on it. “Ryan! Where’s my straw.”

No answer.


Still nothing. Erika reached up with her free hand to the bar and dragged it across the surface hoping to find a new straw but to no avail. She brought the glass up to her mouth and stuck her lips out, she tried to suck it up but only managed to blow the evaporating alcohol spirit into her eyes.

“Fuck” Erika wiped the burning tears away with the now sticky hand, she now had two regrets

Upon opening them again things had changed, there were a pair of brand new, bright white, unscuffed trainers in her view. There was also a hand, presumably attached to the person who was wearing these trainers, in the hand was a straw. Erika moved her glass to the straw and the hand dropped it into her drink. Bringing the straw to her lips she inhaled the drink. The glass was raised back up.

“Ryan!” The glass was filled straight away, the trainers stayed where they were, the glass was emptied again. The glass returned to the air, it was left empty. “Ryan!”

“So, want to talk about it?” White trainers spoke.

“Nope. RYAN! DRINK!”

“Ryan isn’t here.”

“White trainer person, get me a drink.” The glass was filled up. “Are you Ryan?”

“Do I sound like Ryan?”

“No, you sound nice. Fuck Ryan.”

“Hey I heard that.”

“You’re not here Ryan!”

“Can I sit and drink with you.”

“Nope.” Erika drained the glass and sent it back to the sky.

The trainers disappeared. Then there was a dragging noise. Then there was a stall. The trainers were placed on the foot rest. White trainer person was sitting with her.

“Who are you white trainer person and why do you wear those white trainers?”

“Because I like white trainers.”

“But this bar is scummy as hell. Those white trainers are clean”

“Oh yeah” a stream of alcohol plummeted from the sky onto the previously spotless white trainers.

“Punk move, but you wasted your shot.” Erika slurred the word shot

The bottle appeared. “I don’t drink shots”

Erika rolled her head over to look at trainer person, she was beautiful. “Wow”

“Thanks.” White trainer person smiled

“Pretty” Erika pointed at white trainer person.

“I know, I understood what you meant. Why are you drinking?”

“Because I can.”

White trainer person took a swig of the bottle. “Good enough, normally, but this isn’t normally. Want to talk about it?”

“Nope.” Erika snatched for the bottle but white trainer person moved too fast. “Ryan!”

“Ryan isn’t here.”

“Yes he is. RYAN!”

“I’m not here.”

“I hear you Ryan” the glass rose to the sky again.

“I will give you another drink, if you tell me why you are drinking.” White trainer person teased.

“FINE. My mum died, she hated me, I hated her. I’m drinking until one of those facts change.”

“She’s too stubborn to change her mind” Ryan voice came from behind the bar.

“You’re not here RYAN! Drink now.” The glass was filled but a soft hand with a firm grip prevented Erika from moving it to her mouth.

“Is your name Erika?”

“Yes… Do I know you?”

“No but you knew a… close family member of mine. She died recently too. She told me that you were a nice person.”

“She didn’t know me then.”

“I think you’re a nice person Erika.”

“Thank you, white trainer person.”

“My name is Jo.”

“Your name is white trainer person. I like you white trainer person, you have alcohol. Maybe I like alcohol. You may stay and talk to me tonight”

Those sure are some brand new, bright white trainers

Those sure are some brand new, bright white trainers

Jo, stuck unknown to herself

Erika and her perfect evening

Erika and her perfect evening