Jo believes

Jo believes



“Yes” Jo repeated herself slowly to the man

“No way.” The man looked directly at Jo.


“No.” The man now looked away


“It can’t be…” the man’s words hung limply in the air as he stared into the floor

“It is.”


“Look. I’m going to stop you right there; this bit is starting to drag on.” Jo waited for the man to eventually lift his eyes from the floor. “Look at me, look me in the eyes. Did you really think I could not tell the difference?”

“No one can tell the difference, how- how is it possible.” The man stammered through his lack of knowledge.

Jo smirked, she tried to hold the flood back but couldn’t. See burst out laughing, cackling manically. She had always wanted to laugh like this. This was the moment when the hero’s thought they had captured the villain but Wait. What’s this? It is you who is captured in my trap! HAHAHA. Jo bounced her chair up and down, while her ankles and wrist were still bound to its flimsy structure, she could feel the restraints loosening.

She stopped suddenly, turning up her inner psychopath and spoke monotonically to the man “You know my curse, otherwise you would never have tried to pull this stunt. Repeat it to me”

“B-b-b-born to wonder tt-t-the earth e-e-eth-e-eternally with high….” The man swallowed deeply before continuing “cholesterol and blood pressure. The power of all animals and a weakness to  plants.”

“And what is this in front of me?”

“I-i-its ani-“

“WRONG! Don’t lie to me. I know it’s not animal produce, I can smell the emulsified vegetable fats from here. Just as I can smell the stench of iron from the spinach stuck between your teeth.”

Jo burst out of her restraints and heaved her 500kg body into a standing position, she took a step forward, towards the man, her gut draped over her knees. Even with her super strength walking was difficult.

She looked at the man, he was now in arms reach. He saw the hunger in her eyes and tried to run but Jo’s pudgy hand darted out and grabbed his shirt, saliva was cascading down her chin.

“N-N-n-no. Meat is murder!”

“No. Murder is murder. You are meat” Jo lifted the man clean off his feet and slowly lowered him down into her gaping mouth. She would have to be careful to not swallow any of his spinach pasted teeth she thought as the man’s feet disappeared.

Do you believe?

Do you believe?

Erika, Ivan, Julie and Jo

Erika, Ivan, Julie and Jo

Erika and Death

Erika and Death