Jo and the dance of a hundred Jos: 31, 69 and 92

Jo and the dance of a hundred Jos: 31, 69 and 92

“What. The. Fuck?”

Most of the Jo’s moved away from Jo 31 as she muttered these words.

“I’m with Jo 69? Is this a joke?”

No one engaged with Jo 31. They had read the pairing list, they knew who they would be dancing with.

“Look at her.” Jo 31 pointed out Jo 69 to no one. “She’s so basic”

By now there was only one Jo left, Jo 92.

“She’s not that bad”

“She is, look at her.”

“She seems ok. What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s basic.”

“You keep saying that word but I have no idea what you mean.”

“You don’t know what being basic means?”


“They don’t say it in whatever timeline/reality you are from?”



“Can you explain it to me?”

“Explain being basic?”


“Well… it means… well… put it this way you’re basic when…”

“I’m not following you”

“It means her” Jo 31 pointed at Jo 69

Jo 92 raised an eyebrow “I don’t follow.”

“What stands out about her? Nothing! She looks just like everyone else. She’s basic.”

Looking around Jo 92 saw, just shy of, one hundred Jo’s all looking identical.

“Got to be honest. I still don’t get it.”

“Her name is Jo 69, I mean when I become Jo 69 I’m going to milk the shit out of that. Do you get me?”

“I do and that is a basic dude joke”

Jo 31 sized up Jo 92. Jo 31 was not basic.

“Besides when you are her, you will also be basic. That’s the way of things here” Jo 92 continued.

Jo 31 had decided that she did not like Jo 92.

“Whatever. Who are you with then?”

“The toaster.”

Toaster Jo certainly isn’t basic.

Toaster Jo certainly isn’t basic.

Jo and the endless night

Jo and the endless night

Jo, stuck unknown to herself